Webcams in Canada

Canada — live webcams in real time.
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What has happened to the Burrard Bridge webcam? The picture above is not what I see when I want to look west into English Bay.
David A Rodger, North VancouvesrLive Kat Kam
I want to watch the video camera live please.
Kaelin, Grants PassTinyKittens Live
Goodluck and Lots of Love from Rotterdam, the Netherlands! Freedom!
Lily, RotterdamParliament Hill webcam, Ottawa
Canadians! You are HEROES! You are standig up for the whole World!
Good luck truckers. Best wishes from England
nothing but love from Oklahoma. The Basket of Deplorables stands with the Unacceptable Fringe
Randy Lassche, Crescent OKlahomaParliament Hill webcam, Ottawa
#freedomconvoy2022 go get em everyone!!!! #freedom #endallmandates
What a joke, where are the thousands of trucks? I've been to bigger concerts.
Anti-Andy, SudburyParliament Hill webcam, Ottawa
Thanks for the video from Friday night. Nice to see the on the ground sights and experience.
Gorm, MississaugaParliament Hill webcam, Ottawa
Freedom Convoy!
Katherine, GlasgowParliament Hill webcam, Ottawa
Check in several times a day for weather and ships at anchor. Really missed it, glad its back
John McMillan, SurreyLive Kat Kam
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