Webcams in Indonesia

EurasiaAsiaSoutheast AsiaIndonesia Rating: 2.9/5 (votes: 112)

Webcam categories (Indonesia):


LORD, save the people!
Antenor Penha, BrazilSinabung volcano webcam
Webcam is Frozen! can you restart the program or the server so it works again?
Smokey, RotterdamSinabung volcano webcam
Time lapse does well with this one image a minute. Not too bad!
Larry, CleavelandSinabung volcano webcam
Couldn't we have a Sinabung LIVE camera? :(
David, Louisville KYSinabung volcano webcam
I heard a bang from north west of Darwin at 3.30 am Darwin time a few days back. That would be 5.30-6.00am in Sinabung? Was that the time it erupted?
Sean Robert Meaney, DarwinSinabung volcano webcam
Wish it was in real time not every 60 secs. Theres got to be a live camera these days...
Garry, NottinghamSinabung volcano webcam
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