Webcams in New Zealand: birds

Australia and OceaniaNew Zealand Rating: 4.3/5 (votes: 12)


Why is it taking so long to get the web cam up and running again ??? The birds will have fledged by the time we get to view !!!!!
Mark Mears, Dunedin New Zealand. ★★Taiaroa Head Webcam
What has happened to the web cam ??? Has been offline for sometime now.
Thank you for your message! The broadcast has been updated and is live.
Mark Mears, Dunedin New Zealand.Taiaroa Head Webcam
I love watching the birds but of late the web site and live stream keep reporting not available?? what has happened the the live stream?
Garry McCarthy, Taupo NZTaiaroa Head Webcam
Love watching this site.
Pat, DunedinTaiaroa Head Webcam
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