Webcam with a view of the Artillery Bay, Sevastopol city

… › Southern Federal DistrictCrimeaSevastopolLenin District /city district/

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Webcam with a view of the Artillery Bay, Sevastopol city

Live webcam broadcasts a view of the Artillery Bay in Sevastopol city in real time. The bay is located in the heart of the hero city. On the webcast from the web camera is visible not only the Artillery Bay itself, but the buildings on its banks: the Lunacharsky Theater, the Dolphinarium, the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, the Palace of Childhood and Youth, etc. In the background, you can see the northern side of Sevastopol, where boats and ferry go from the Artillery Bay.

The live web camera of the Artillery Bay of Sevastopol is installed on Kapitanskaya Street and works in high definition HD format in real time.

In the upper right corner of the video from the webcam you can see the current air temperature in Sevastopol city in the Artillery Bay area.
Geography: Lenin District. Time zone: GMT+03:00
Broadcast quality: video, 720p. Status: webcam is offline (checked).
Category: bays, city views, weather.

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