Webcam with a view of Elbrus from an mountain shelter

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Webcam with a view of Elbrus from an mountain shelter

Live webcam shows a view of Mount Elbrus from the LeapRus mountain shelter in real time. The shelter is located on the southern slope of Elbrus at an altitude of 3912 meters above sea level between the Garabashi station and the «Shelter of Eleven» Hotel.

Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe with a height of 5642 meters above sea level, included in the list of the highest peaks of the parts of the world «Seven Summits». Due to the well-developed transport and related infrastructure, Elbrus and the surrounding areas are very popular in recreational, sports, tourist and mountaineering terms.

Webcam with a view of Elbrus from the high-mountain shelter LeapRus is broadcasting live.
Geography: Elbrussky District. Time zone: GMT+03:00
Broadcast quality: video, 720p. Status: webcam is offline (checked).
Category: hotels, ski resorts.
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