Obvodnoy Bridge in Biysk

… › Siberian Federal DistrictAltai KraiBiyskLnokombinat /city district/

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Obvodnoy Bridge in Biysk

Live webcam broadcasts a view of the Obvodnoy Bridge in Biysk city and the Biya River in the Altai Krai. The camera is installed on the building number 68 on Lnokombinat Street and is directed towards the Obvodnoy Bridge. The bridge connects the city of Biysk and the village of Malougrenevo.
Geography: Lnokombinat. Time zone: GMT+06:00
Broadcast quality: video, 480p. Status: webcam is offline (checked).
Category: bridges, rivers.
new cams: Webcam with a view of Volga River, the town of Myshkin.
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