Webcam at bee hives in Riga

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Webcam at bee hives in Riga

Live webcam in real time shows bee hives in Riga. The hives are installed on the roof of the building of the Riga Latvian Society in the very center of the city on Merkel's street 13. The webcam is directed north-west towards Esplanade Park. The purpose of placing bee hives on the roof of a building in the center of the city is to establish how much and what quality honey can collect bees in urban conditions.

On the far side of the broadcast from the web camera can be seen the domes of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, which is located on Boulevard Brivibas, 23.

Live camera at bee hives in Riga broadcasts in 4K UHD format with sound.
Geography: Riga. Time zone: GMT+03:00
Broadcast quality: video, 2160p, 🔊 with sound. Status: webcam is offline (checked).

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