Webcam at the Peter and Paul Fortress, Saint Petersburg

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Webcam at the Peter and Paul Fortress, Saint Petersburg

Live webcam is installed on the Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg and broadcasts a panoramic view of the city in real time. On the live broadcast, you can see a part of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Neva River (at the point of separation into the Malaya Neva and the Bolshaya Neva), Palace Bridge, Palace Embankment, the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Birzhevoy Bridge and other sights of Saint Petersburg.

The webcam on the Peter and Paul Fortress works around the clock.
Geography: Petrogradsky District. Time zone: GMT+03:00
Broadcast quality: video, 480p, 🔊 with sound. Status: webcam is offline (checked a month ago).
Category: bridges, city views, rivers, sights, weather.
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