Webcam at the Booted eagle's nest, Sierra de Guadarrama Park

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Rating: 5/5 (votes: 2)

Webcam at the Booted eagle's nest, Sierra de Guadarrama Park

Live webcam broadcasts a view of the booted eagle's nest in Sierra de Guadarrama Park. The Sierra de Guadarrama National Park is located in the Spanish province of Segovia and the autonomous community of Madrid in Spain.

The booted eagle is a medium-sized mostly migratory bird of prey of the hawk family, a small eagle with a wingspan of 100-132 cm, a constitution and size closer to buzzards. It hunts small birds, lizards, snakes, rodents. The booted eagle nests in the trees on trees once a year, in the clutch there is usually one or two eggs.

The webcam near the booted eagle nest allows you to remotely observe the life of birds in their natural habitat in real time.
Geography: Spain. Time zone: GMT+01:00
Broadcast quality: video, 720p, 🔊 with sound. Status: webcam is offline (checked).
Category: birds.

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Video from this webcam

total: 2
  1. Memories of the eaglet
  2. 2
    Feeding the chicks


Where is the other one is it ok after falling from the nest?
Elora Prettyman, Boulder, Ut // 2020-07-23
These eaglets are adorable! Is there a chat for this nest?
Joan Johnson, Bismarck // 2020-07-21
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